Travel and Creativity (8 ways travel boosts creativity)

Travel and creativity are close friends. I’ve seen it. I’ve always been an artist and a musician. But after traveling, something happened. My creativity — my brain — it changed.

For the better.

It evolved and new connections, concepts and ways of thinking emerged.

So if you’re looking for a fun way to expand your creativity, travel may be the ticket (yes, pun).

Alright, let’s get to it.

Brain Neuroplasticity (the travel and creativity connection)

Why are travel and creativity so connected? One word: neuroplasticity.

Basically, our brains have neuroplasticity, which means they can change, adapt, learn new things and make new neural connections (throwing out the old idea of being “born with it”).

This is why travel can change your brain and boost creativity.

Travel forces new thinking and new neural pathways to develop. These pathways just so happen to support creative and inventive thinking.

So let’s dig deeper now and look at the specific ways and reasons that travel enhances creativity.

8 Reasons Traveling Boosts Creativity

Travel boasts too many benefits to count. Even isolating the perks to creativity can feel limiting.

So for time’s sake, I’ve  trimmed some fat and put together the winning reasons for how traveling enhances your creativity.

(And let me know in the comments if you’ve got another gem, I’d love to hear from you!)

1. Travel Broadens the Mind

The verdict is in, traveling makes you more open-minded. And having an open mind is essential for creativity.

Nothing puts a wet blanket on creativity more than judgment (especially self judgment).

When you travel, you’ll realize the true scope (fallacy) of “normal” or “socially acceptable”. Creativity needs this perspective and broad, outside-the-box way of thinking.

Travel broadens your mind, changes your perspectives, initiates cross-cultural thinking and ultimately, brings you closer to a creative mindset.

2. You Learn (a lot)

Truly unique creativity and innovation is all about connecting dots. Steve Jobs talked about this in his 2005 speech at Stanford University.

Essentially, every dot represents some education, knowledge, experience or interest.

The more dots you create (and the more varied they are), the more likely you can layer and connect them in interesting and unique ways.

Creativity often stems from connecting two unoriginal ideas or concepts and applying them in a new way or industry.

So travel is giving you a unique education that you can only get by experiencing the excitement, discomfort, stress and joy of traveling itself.

3. You Get Tossed Out of Your Comfort Zones

Literally, into the unknown we go. I mean, I’ve felt so stupid and out of my element abroad.

But I’ve learned two key things: 

  • Every problem or issue has a solution

  • You’re way better at solving problems and adapting in real life than in your head

So how does this help our creativity? Well, great art, great innovation – creativity – it all requires confidence and taking risks.

Going against the grain, trying new things, putting yourself out there – all of these things test your ability to embrace discomfort.

And travel is a fantastic crash course to prime you for creative discomfort.

Recommended: How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

4. Travel Throws Routine On Its Head

Routine, habit and the same-old same-old – these things are not conducive to creative states.

Of course, some routine is fine – inevitable.

But traveling forces us out of the daily minutiae and out of regimen – it’s pattern interrupt.

This ignites your brain in new ways and creates new neural networks. It forces your brain to adapt and develop new skills. It can spark fresh thinking and new ideas.

It can spark creativity

5. You Change

Perception is everything. It shapes our beliefs and views about the world, ourselves and what we’re capable of.

Travel enhances all of these things (and more).

What I’m really driving at here is something called cognitive flexibility, which is your brain’s ability to adjust behavior and maintain multiple concepts simultaneously.

This flexibility is key to creative thinking, connecting different concepts together and thinking of innovative solutions or ideas.

6. Travel Boosts Happiness (happiness boosts creativity)

Creativity requires clarity and a positive mental state (at least for me).

We all love the image of the struggling, emotionally-burdened, heartbroken songwriter or artist – but it’s all a ruse!

I create the best work when I’m happy and have clarity. And travel is one of the best highs.

It’s inspiring, energizing, confidence-boosting and so many more positive things. It fosters a happier state of being and a healthier mental state. It supports clarity.

And if you’re looking to become more creative, you’ll need clarity.

7. You Experience New Perspectives + Ideas

When you travel, you’ll be experiencing, seeing and living in another culture’s perception of art, music and creativity.

This is doing powerful things to your subconscious reference points of creativity and how you define it.

It’s easy to tell the difference between someone who’s traveled and someone who hasn’t.

The traveler always brings a unique perspective or fresh idea into the mix.

8.  You Get Comfortable With Mistakes

If you’ve spent any time abroad (especially alone), then you’ll know what I’m talking about here.

Traveling can make us look like idiots. In a good way, ultimately. But mistakes and awkward moments abound.

Travel’s the only thing that can make a grown adult suddenly feel like a kid looking to a parent for answers.

Suddenly, a simple task like ordering food, asking for directions or even crossing a busy street can become a question-marked obstacle.

But this is great for strengthening your creativity.

Creative endeavors are all about taking risk, making mistakes, embracing “failures” and being “wrong” (or at least, being against the grain).

Travel can, in so many ways, prepare your mind for this type of unsteadiness.

Suddenly – after dealing with that stressful street-crossing scenario or learning how to eat again – creativity comes easier.

Want More? Okay. Here’s More.


Hey. I’m JQ — the sole content creator for this site.

I’m a traveler, musician, artist and content creator. I share my journey and tips for all that here.

I love snowboarding, cafes and hanging out in Japan (and of course, long walks on the beach).

Drop me an email to say what’s up!


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