Why Do People Create Art? (10 reasons + roles)

The purpose of art can feel esoteric, or intangible. For many, it can even feel like it’s not really necessary for a functional society. But this post will completely disprove that notion and show you just how important it actually is.

Why do people create art? What’s the role of creativity in society?

All this (and more) should be answered below. It took some self reflecting and research to put this post together, but I feel like I’ve made some good points.

So let’s jump in and explore the role of art around us.

Why Do People Make Art?

Humans are naturally creative. We’ve been making art for many millennia.

In fact, recent research has shown our human ancestors were making figurative art over 45,000 years ago. That’s a long time. Like, really long.

So why do we make art?

I’m in the camp that believes humans (all of us) are naturally creative. While some may be more artistic than others, we all have an innate inclination towards creativity.

From cooking without a recipe to redesigning our living rooms – art is in everything.

People make art because it’s natural and a necessary part of so many things in life.

But creating art can be more intentional as well (of course). We make art as a way to meditate, to express ourselves, to create a career, to do so many things.

A lot of these reasons will become clear as we move into the next section. So let’s do that.

What Is the Purpose of Art? 10 Roles of Art to Know

Understanding the purpose of art will help us understand why we make stuff in the first place.

I’ve put together this collection of the top purposes of art – but let me know in the comments of any more you can think of. I’d love to hear your ideas!

Otherwise, let’s jump in.

1.  It’s Necessary – It’s In Everything

You’d be hard pressed to not find art in life.

From the websites we visit to the design of our cars, smartphones and backyards – art is in everything.

In fact, I can’t think of one product, idea or thing that doesn’t use art, or have some artistic stage or element in its development.

So, what’s the purpose of art? Well, we’re kicking this list off with a big one: it’s in literally everything. It’s required.

2. To Promote Social Awareness & Change

It’s not always obvious how art impacts our lives and societies. But its role in spreading awareness and sparking change is a big benefit.

For example, Banksy’s art often addresses social issues and Luke Jerram, in collaboration with 1625 Independent People, made a glass sculpture to bring awareness to homelessness.

There are countless examples.

So while sometimes art has no deeper meaning or intention, it can sometimes bring political issues and societal challenges front and center.

3. To Express Ideas, Emotions + Opinions

Art is a great way to express ideas, emotions and opinions – especially complex ones.

Expressing ourselves through art gives us various methods for sharing ideas and thoughts. When I say art, I mean most creative outlets: writing, painting or drawing, making music, dancing…

There are various ways to express our thoughts and emotions – besides just speaking. Often, art can depict these things more effectively and easily.

Art communicates emotions and concepts. What’s that old saying? Ah right, a picture is worth a thousand words.

4. To Inspire Us + Make the World Happier

There are inspiring stories about the impact of slums being repainted in bright colors with artful creations.

Among other effects, artifying slums causes happiness to go up, crime to go down and community pride to increase.

That’s art on a community level – and an extreme example. But even on an individual level, art evokes emotions and inspiration.

Especially if we expand the definition of art beyond painting and to include things like music or writing.

Regardless, artwork will forever be a source of inspiration for us.

5. It Helps Us Self-Reflect

Art can force us to reflect on things – and ourselves. Especially making art, which is completely cathartic.

But regardless of how you art, self reflection is part of the process. It’s hard to go to a museum or some other exhibit and not let go, reflect on things and consider deeper meanings.

It’s a form of meditation and lets us gather our thoughts and audit them.

Art is introspection.

6. Art Makes Us More Creative + Expands Our Perspectives

Art is creativity. And creativity is all about new ideas and seeing things in different ways.

But sometimes it’s difficult to capture this out-of-the-box way of seeing things. Luckily art’s got our back.

Without fail, whatever exhibit or museum I go to, I always come out with a fresh perspective and a few new ideas.

Art comes from inspiration. And that inspiration is often passed on to the viewer. Through art, we can become more creative and expand our perspectives on things.

7. To Provoke Conversation

Art sparks conversation. It can be controversial, subjective and poignant.

Art can be uncomfortable and challenge social norms and taboos.

All of this can provoke conversation and debate. I know it’s been said before, but great art often makes you feel uncomfortable.

It helps us confront difficult topics, dark parts of society and even personal issues. It can provoke communication and in turn (eventually), make waves and changes.

Conversation is the first step to spreading ideas and fostering change.

8. To Entertain Us

This one is a bit obvious – but art is a form of entertainment.

I mean, Google search “what to do” for any major city and museums, art exhibits or galleries are all but guaranteed to be towards the top of the list.

And art as entertainment isn’t just staring at sculptures or paintings.

For example, consider Tokyo, Japan’s teamLab Borderless exhibits. Besides being the ultimate IG opportunity, these galleries are ultra modern and epitomize contemporary art entertainment.

9. To Connect Us

Art is community. It connects us across borders, backgrounds, languages, age, gender…and so on.

When we connect with a certain artist or project, we’re also connecting with the other people who share similar values, experiences and interests.

Bottom line, art is a shared experience that can create and strengthen relationships and communities. 

10. Art Adds Beauty + Color

This one is a practical benefit. But art simply makes things look better.

It adds design to a room, pop to a wall and beauty to blandness.

From city streets and buildings to offices and bedrooms, art is essential in making our spaces feel and look better.

So whether you make it or just like to look at it – embrace it and know how important it really is. 

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Jef Quin

Hey. I’m Jef — a digital nomad and the sole content creator for this site.

I’m a traveler, musician/producer, blogger, content strategist and digital creator. And I’m on a mission to inspire a more chill, adventurous and creative lifestyle.

I also spend a lot of time in Japan and love coffee.

Drop me an email to say what’s up!


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